Brexit .. A Reason For The Peace I Have

For some time now I have felt challenged to write a reason for the peace I have about all the furore going on with regards to Brexit. In 2016 the country voted, by majority, to leave the EU. It was a small majority, but it was a majority and in a democratic society we accept the majority winning decision as the path to walk. People, have often said that people didn’t know what we were voting for and we were lied too. But the truth is politicians often say things they don’t mean or, sometimes, lie. We see it often when elections come up. Sometimes it’s a desire to do something which they then find, once in power, isn’t as simple to do as they first thought – perhaps a genuine mistake. At other times it’s about promising something to get votes, and then action isn’t followed through or nowhere near to the extent that it was implied. In those cases we don’t demand another election. We live with the disappointment and then hope that in time justice will be done. Of course the ramifications of broken promises at election time may have a smaller impact than the size of the issue of leaving the European Union.

I cast my vote in 2016 at our local polling station like many other people. When the news broke that morning the result was announced, in truth I felt a pang of nervousness. Something we didn’t think would happen happened. But it was nervousness over the unknown, nothing more. But over the past three years or more the ferocity of the situation has grown and grown to almost intolerable levels in our society. The issue has become so divisive and sometimes has become a subject we dare not speak of.

For people who don’t have a faith in Jesus, who are not Christians I can fully understand may not understand why I have a peace about the storm we are in. You may want to stop reading here, but I’d encourage you to read on.

But as a Christian and as a Pastor, I am greatly disturbed and even distressed by the fear and severe lack of love extended to those in power at this time in relation to Brexit, shown by some who are Christians. Some may, of course, be young Christians who are still early on their journey with God. And I understand that we all need to learn not to worry or fear and to put our trust in God. But I know lots of mature Christians who have been so for many years. For those people yes, we still need lessons in trusting God, nevertheless we have a far better handle on scripture as we have learned over the years, and that God promises to never leave us, or forsake us and to provide for us – we should know that and be assured of that. For those people, their attitudes, what they say in social media and how, at times, I’ve seen people act, is disgraceful and it shows as far as I can see a severe lack of trust and faith in God to provide and care and protect. It pains me to say it, but I call us to account.

Now it could well be that people do have that faith and trust, but they choose not to show it in posts on social media or conversations. Indeed, I’ve often heard it said that religion and politics don’t mix. On the contrary I’d suggest. But in all fairness people may just not want to mix the two even though they are both intertwined. But I sense that that is not always the case and that fear has been allowed to creep into their hearts and it is fear that speaks through them and has bound them up in this whole situation – hardly a good witness to the love and protection of God.

I also must stress that I believe we do have to fight for what we believe is right. Whether you voted “out” or “remain” you have every right to fight for what you believe in and I fully support that. BUT, it must be fought with (and shown) a faith and trust that whatever the outcomes to the scare-mongering going on, none of us actually know the future. No one has been there and come back. Only God knows what lies ahead of us.

So, with all that said, why do I have a peace about this whole situation? Because I have had to entrust my life into Gods hands … and continue to do so, when I’ve been powerless to do anything to help myself. And I tell you categorically, He has NEVER let me down.
In 2016, as I lay bleeding to death on the side of the road with my trike laying on top of me, I felt life gradually drifting away. I was assisted by our amazing emergency services, but over the hours I eventually lost consciousness and woke up after a long operation to rebuild my shattered right leg. I was powerless to help myself, but others helped me and God was working through them to preserve my life. God could, at any time, have chosen to take me home to heaven. But He chose that I should be restored, to share His goodness. Even when the next day I went into multi-organ failure and they had to rush me back to theatre to take my leg off through the knee, and I was unconscious whilst people held my life in their hands, God was watching over me. And three days later, when I had my final surgery to remove more of my leg, I was powerless to assist. I was unconscious on the operating table, but God looked after me. Even in my rehabilitation and all the plethora of different things I had to address and come to terms with and learn to do again …. not to mention the PTSD, God was with me and never let me down.

This month I had to meet with my kidney consultant. I have polycystic kidney disease. He confirmed that my kidney function, overall, has dropped now to only 20%. Within the next one to two years I will need dialysis or a kidney transplant … maybe both for a time. I have no idea where I will find a kidney match. It’s not enough to just say “you can have mine”. It has to be a match on several levels. Dialysis, if it comes to that, would be 2-3 times a week for 3-4 hours per time. Life would then, for a time, revolve around that pattern of treatment, week in, week out. But as my consultant told me the news, I honestly felt at peace … in fact I felt a little excited – honestly! I wasn’t excited about what lay ahead as I don’t know what that actually looks like. But I was excited to see how God would work again, because I am powerless to do anything.

So, why do I have a peace about Brexit? Because when I have been out of control, He has always been in control. When I have been powerless, He has been powerful. When I have felt lifeless, He has been life for me. In the darkest places in my life’s journey … and there have been far more than I’ve listed here, God has NEVER, EVER, let me down and I have ALWAYS been provided for.

Why do I have a peace about Brexit. That’s why! I know that whatever the outcome, God is there and He is bigger than all of this.
Should it take a life-changing accident, or a potentially life limiting disease to learn to trust God? No. Should it take family tragedy to see that God does have a plan to protect us and that He’ll never leave us even when all seems lost? No. There is no doubt that what I have gone through since 2016 has strengthened my peace that God is in control and my trust in Him. But I already knew of His care for me before 2016.

Here’s a closing thought.

Some have said to me that they felt at peace with God when they voted to remain in the EU. Some said they felt at peace with God when they voted to leave the EU. Now I don’t know, but I just wonder whether actually God isn’t as interested in whether we leave or remain. To Him, that’s not the important issue. What’s important to Him is how we are trusting Him. What’s important to Him is how much we are prepared to have faith in Him. What’s important to Him is the state of our Hearts. What’s important to Him is to show love to those we disagree with … not to love what they may or may not do. But to love them as people … people Jesus died for, like he did for you and me, whether they accept that or not.

Maybe that’s what is more important to God. I’ll leave that with you to ponder.

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